I can’t be the only one excited about this right? It’s like the universe (or some disgruntled hacker?) decided to give us the social media detox we all deserved. The only weird part was wanting to tell people how I’m rooting against Facebook and realizing I needed the Facebook platform to do that. Then I remembered I have a blog.
Sharing my thoughts publicly, and get interaction and validation from the around the world, is pretty cool. What I try to remember is we should be able to have that without an ad-centric business model spying on us and modifying our behavior. It takes more work and more time, but I’m so glad to have this little space of the internet to call my own. No ads, no trolls, no need to squeeze my personality like playdough through a generic profile template. We kind of gave up on individual websites for the convenience of socials, but are they really worth it?
Social media works great as a bulletin board. It’s perfect for saying, “Hey! I found ____ out in the real world and if you want something fun to do tonight you should go check out ____/listen to ____/do ____ with your friends”. Social media doesn’t work as the experience itself. Well actually, scratch that. It works VERY WELL, but the experience is killing me on the inside.
All that to say, I appreciate you for spending time on here, and listening to the podcast. The internet is a beautiful tool for sharing meaningful experiences, and I’m not going to let a bunch of nerds in Cali ruin that for me.