5 new ideas to help navigate the age old pursuit of finding your voice. Here’s a hint: finding your voice isn’t a one time discover, it’s a daily opportunity!
Journal Prompts
1. Our voice is the group of musicians you associate with
- Are there musicians you’re trying to impress, or play with, that you don’t actually like?
- Are there musicians you’d like to be playing with that you don’t feel
2. Your voice isn’t notes on recordings. We play more than just notes
- How do you want others to feel when they’re playing with you?
- Listen back to yourself on a gig. Does your playing match that intention?
- If someone is about to call you for a gig, and 3 things were to flash through their mind, what would you want those associations to be?
3. Your voice is mostly what you don’t play
- Are there things you’re ashamed of, or you’ve been trying to learn how to do but just can’t seem to get get them feeling natural?
- Why are you trying to play them?
- What would happen if you gave yourself permission to let go of those?
4. Your voice is musical habits
- Write out 10 musical problems you solve evergy gig.
- Is there an bigger musical problem you can have a habbit for that solves multiple of these smaller problems?
5. Finding your voice isn’t a one time discovery, it’s a daily opportunity