Drummer, bassist, producer, and gratitude junky Alex Joseph Hall joins me to talk about GETTING LOUD about who you are. We discuss why AJ’s the happiest he’s ever been, not waiting for success to be happy, and we dissect Disney’s Soul from a musician’s perspective.
Happiness wasn’t a formula for me. I got grateful, and started to appreciate little things in my life, when there was nothing going on.
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Actionable Advice
- The happier you are about making music the more people want to enjoy it. And then, the more people want to enjoy it and the more support you get, the happier you get. The happier you get, the more support you get etc…
- I know plenty of musicians who if they got that dream gigs they always wanted, I know they would still be unhappy. I know musicians on gigs that are their dream gigs who still aren’t happy. Happiness comes first, and then you play music.
- We have to marry the two – reaching for your highest musical self with being extremely satisfied with every moment that happens.
- When you stop reaching for the thing, and just start doing what you’re passionate about, all of a sudden success starts to come your way. And it’s real success too! It’s not just a flash in the pan.