Jonathan De La Cruz joins Tanner Guss to discuss relearning how to play the trumpet, self identity, elevating people, having better conversations, and letting go of the need to sound good.
“Caring if you sound good is a distraction from the music”
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Actionable Advice
- “Every day I took one hour to do something that wasn’t music.” It’s okay to get out of the practice room sometimes y’all!
- “Elevate people. If they’re doing a good job what is stopping you from telling them?” Instead of judging what we don’t like about people’s playing all the time, and constantly looking for mistakes, what if we focused on what we do like? We might learn to celebrate our own strengths more as a result!
- “Judge gigs by how you feel not by how you played”.
- “Accept that this is a process and know that you can get better”. Talent is NOT a born trait. We have to believe that any goal in our playing is possible with enough hard work.
- “Have an identity outside of your instrument”. If you primarily identify yourself as a trumpet player/singer/drummer/etc. you’re creating a system where your self worth is primarily based upon how well you play. It’s hard to stay positive if you’re self esteem is determined by how well your last solo went. Be a human being first, and a musician second.
Coda Questions
- What is your go to feel good album? Mark Anthony’s Opus
- What’s the best advice about happiness you’ve ever received? Surrender the idea of pleasing everyone
- Who’s the happiest musician you know? Tent Austin
- What advice would you give a young musician? Be versatile, learn as much as you can from everyone around (whether it’s good or bad), and just keep going.
- What is your purpose as a musician? To be a person who realizes a certain proficiency in their instrument to a degree that they contribute to any musical environment so they can connect to any kind of human being in that environment.